Unlocking Growth with Executive Risks

A broker’s guide to advising clients on their business exposures


The digital world has transformed traditional management liability risks into complex risks that can emerge faster, spread further, and hit businesses harder. At Coalition, we call these Executive Risks.

Brokers have an opportunity to educate small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) about these changing risks, help them proactively identify exposures, and design a comprehensive management liability coverage package from Coalition.

To help you empower SMBs to improve their risk profile, we created this guide that dives deeper into the underwriting criteria for the four offerings comprising our Active Executive Risks product suite: Directors & Officers Liability (D&O), Employment Practices Liability (EPL), Fiduciary Liability, and Crime. Highlights include:

  • D&O: 55% of SMBs said they had recently finalized at least one merger or acquisition.¹  
  • EPL: Employers paid $484 million in lawsuit settlements to victims of discrimination in 2021.² 
  • Fiduciary: 40% of employers have made changes to their benefit plans since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.³
  • Crime: Businesses are losing $50 billion annually due to employee theft.⁴ 

Use our Executive Risks guide to spark conversations with clients, prepare them for questions on insurance applications, and tailor coverage to their specific business needs.

¹ Coalition, 2022 Executive Risks Report.
² U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Fiscal Year 2021 Agency Financial Report.
³ Integrated Benefits Institute, November 2022 Benefits Survey.
⁴ CNBC, This crime in the workplace is costing US businesses $50 billion a year, 2017.


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