Free Checklist

Secure Your Business with the Coalition Cybersecurity Checklist


Effectively protecting your organization from today's cyber threats can feel like a daunting task. In partnership with our in-house Security and Incident Response (SIRT) and Claims teams, we’ve identified a few simple steps you can take today to protect your business.

With this checklist, you’ll be able to quickly view the safety measures you need to implement to secure your organization and minimize your chances of experiencing a cyber incident. Pass this helpful checklist off to teammates and security provider to make sure you’re secure!

Inside you’ll find:

  • An easy-to-follow detailed checklist you can share with your team or IT vendor.

  • Simple actions you can take now to protect your organization across critical security aspects, including backup management, email security, and safe remote access.

  • Recommended solutions for each item that are free or low cost to implement. 


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